
My photo
Clementi, Singapore
I'm tough on both others and myself. I expect everything I do to have a ultimate result. When I'm in it, I'll go all out to win it. I step in with 2 feet and not one.



Well, I'm probably one of those people who were hoping that the world would come to an end on the 21/12/12 for some reason and it didn't. Now that it didn't, I would probably have to move on. 2012 is closing on it in less that like 3 days. As I look back and reflect, I must say that, this has been an eventful year. A year filled with many new/interesting/exciting experience and some bad ones too. But well, you can't always have to best of all right?

I guess, I learned a lot about people around me. I've also learned a lot about myself. I've learnt that everything changes, be it people, feelings, things or even surroundings. On the topic of people, some left and new bonds were also formed, and I'm thankful for that. Over this process of people coming and leaving, I've learnt to understand them better as well. At that point of time, you really get to know who are those that will stand by you no matter what. Many at time, we have all be put to test with obstacles and challenges back at home or even school; exciting drama that happens in school; and even emotionally and I guess that would have impacted all of the most. But after all that happened, what matters most is that we survived it and are here looking forward to a awesome and an yet another eventful year ahead. We have all grown in our own ways - some physically, mentally, others, emotionally and in terms of maturity and that's the best part of all. 

Here's to what made this an eventful year. 

 NPCC is not just a CCA like many would say. It's more that just that. It's not about doing drills under the damn hot sun. It's been real learning take place. Till today, many would still ask me, 'what are you still doing in NPCC, every time also busy with NPCC.' Yeah, I barely had time for family or even friends. The number of times I turned them down was probably twice or even thrice the time we actually met up to catch up with one another. But you know what guys; I have no regrets at all. This is what I love doing more than anything else. It brings so much joy. I'm not going to say that there weren't ugly sides to it, yeah, there were, but it made it even more special. 

 Campcraft Competition is something that I hold very close to. It's in fact on of that toughest yet fulfilling competition in NPCC. When I was a cadet, I got 2nd losing to the school that we have been trying to best for many years. And finally, I had my chance to lead a team this year and an instructor and I never wanted them to feel what I felt years ago. Trainings went well and we hope to bring back the title, but what I didn't want the most was what we got, 2nd. When I saw tears rolling down my kids. I felt responsible for it. Then they told me, you know what sir, we will beat them and win it back the competition. We will come back to train the next team. And at that point of time, I felt like I actually did the best I could. And I'm really looking forward to the next competition. 

 Survival Training Camp was one of the most interesting projects I worked on. It's an area camp that I headed together with my area CIs. It was the most dramatic camp ever, I SWEAR. I happen to meet the most ridiculous educators ever. Teachers with worst attitude ever. 


J12, This course I was really hoping to become a squad instructor given the time I had. Apparently, I wasn't ready for it. I felt sad, and the need to prove myself. Head of Logistics and Training GI was what I had and I told myself that I'm going to do my best and I did. Taking a group was a whole new experience for me. It was really different and of course logistics was basically about doing the dirty job. Nevertheless, I had fun.


Drill Competition was an eye opener for most of us. From Champions to 7th position was not something we were proud of. Silly mistakes and lack of preparation lead to disappointment. Complacency was probably one of the factors as well. This was a lesson well learnt. 


CP Awards was something that concluded the effort put in by everyone in my Unit. We actually got an award for NTSS NPCC after god knows how many years, or probably for the first time and I was really proud of it. Some of us even got individual testimony and commendation. Sometimes, it's good to know that our efforts are recognized. It only brings out the best in you and makes you want to perform even better.


D12 - Yet another fulfilling and enriching journey. I must say that out of the entire 3 courses I've been to, this has been the best so far. I've really got to learn a lot about myself and others, which made help me become a better person. I took squad the first course and taking another squad this time was just so different. Perhaps it was because I was better prepared this time round. Everything about this course was purely amazing. 




Something that many of us dread going to. For me personally, I love going to school. My classmates are probably the reason to why I love going to school. They are not like how I expected them to be. They are people who are genuine and willing to help you, - this, you can rarely find these day. And I have the FMSS EXCOs. I look forward to everyone one of the meetings because we end up laughing for hours over practically everything. I love them loads. 


On the other hand, you have the lecturers, of which some are really the nicest people around and then you have the jerks that make your poly life a living hell, like literally. You might be the reason to why I actually regret coming into this course or even start hating it. You make everything sound or look miserable. You want everything to be your way. You are always right. Only you make sense. Only your idea works. Your method is the only method. REALLY? I'M REALLY SICK AND TIRED OF YOU. If this was extinct, negative motivation, IT'S NOT WORKING! 

But you know what, I'm not going to let you ruin my poly life. You can be the stock that we end up laughing at. The one that takes the entire curse and swears in times of frustration.  

MY HIGHLIGHT. Completing a 42.195km Standard Chartered Full Marathon. I nearly died after the race. 7 hours of pure physically pain and torture. My mental and physically strength was put to test. The thought of giving up was in my mind practically then entire race, even till the end. We started strong individually, but ended together as one - that made this race better. I really got to know my limits. If you were to ask if I would like to do it again, HELL YES! - With training of course. Regret not training for it at all. 


"One of the most poignant thing this year. Is friendship? Of lost and broken friendship. Of those who chose to walk away. Of others I’ve now distanced from. But through everything that happened and I’ve been through. It made me realize and redefine what “friendship” truly means to me and in that process, I’ve discovered who my true friends really are." 

People say that secondary school friends are those who will last your lifetime, and I concur. These groups of people below are just the best. Every time we come together, all my worries and problems just fade away. All my concerns are least of my worries. We can talk and go on for hours about anything and everything. They are nothing like the people I meet these days - just wearing a mask on a world stage, with spotlights in their direction. 



At times, you think that you are actually fight against some you hate because he/she hurt your closest friends, but ever do you realise that you are actually fighting against not only that person but also your closest friend. And this happened to me. It was months of bitterness. One of the worst that ever happened. He came and ruined everything we had. We were more than what we are today. We used to be 'inseparable' but now, we are just 2 close, no 2 friends like anyone would call. We made many promises that turned out to be empty. We said certain things to affirm one another but at the end, those were just words. It was all the little things I hold close too. I still hate him for ruining everything we had, but I've learnt to forgive him, but never will I ever find a place in my heart to forget the times he did. That's how much this has affected me. A lot of my friends, juniors, teachers questioned me, but all I said was, I couldn't make time for her. And there you are having the time of your life. We said so many things when we were in sec 5. I really wonder if they are even going to matter, 10 years down the road. Where and how are we going to be? But of all these that has happened. I'm glad we are picking off where we actually left and I hope things get better.

Yo, my best friend, best friend till the very end
Cause best friends, best friends don't have to pretend
You need a hand, and I’m right there right beside you
You in the dark, I’ll be the bright light to guide you
And don't forget all the trouble we got into

Laughing so damn hard
All the scars we share
I Promise, I swear

Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
You never alone, we're birds of a feather
And we'll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you

I know I drive you crazy, mm, sometimes
I know I called you lazy, and that's most times
But you complete me, and that's no lie
You are my tuxedo, and I’m your bow tie
We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song
Rocking the building, tear it down, like we King Kong
And in my eyes, you can't do, do no wrong
You got the best friends sing, sing along

This is my oath to you

I love bring the best out of people, thus NPCC. But that's not the point. What makes me special is the fact that I can actually help others become better. And I happen to come across this person who envisions many things, who has a many great ideas of what he wants and how he's going to do it, who strives for the best. But lacks of the right kind of guidance. And I'm glad to be able to help him. I've learnt a lot through this year of knowing him. It happened by chance, while we were back in school casting for my production, but I hope and pray it never ends here or any time soon. He's a great companion whom you can actually share stuff with. The type of people you hang out with does make a difference and puts you in different spotlight. Well apparently, the people he had weren't really the best type of people I would describe them to be. But well, only when we go through it, we understand it better.
Then there's this girls that I really really really like. She's everything I want. Just when I thought we had the chance, things changed. I thought I would be over her slowly but surely, but never did it happen. For 2 years, I just couldn't find anyone else who could replace her. Her attributes were just different. Maybe I tired too hard or not enough the previous time. But now that I got the chance again, I'm going to make the best out of it and prove that I'm worth having her. I have no idea where this would go, but I'm just going to let nature take it's own course. I pray, she'll give me another chance to make things happen. 

And of course, the people who always care about you the most, your family. I must say that I haven't been spending quality time with them at all this year. Not even quality time, just some time alone was already hard to find. And that sucks. I'm never home early. I priorities, School, Friends and CCA over family for only god knows why. And I hope that next year, I will be able spend more time with them. I still own my nephew a trip to the zoo! 

People who made 2012 and eventful one.








"Circumstances, choices and people have changed me. I’m no longer the person that you ever (or however) once knew me to be. So love me or leave me, this is who I am now."

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